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Nintendogs Labrador Retriever & Friends

Nintendogs Labrador Retriever & Friends Review

I am a girl of ten years, and I Nintendogs few months ago, and I love it! There is so much to do. Many of my friends have, and also all like it. The graphics are great and the dogs are adorable! Choose from a variety of races, and switch to new dogs as a trainer points increase (you can earn points from different coaches things with your dog). You can name your dog, teach them the commands and their training for competitions, and take a walk. Although it's funThere are some things that are unrealistic. For a dog to do things in real life to find presents wrapped in the road, especially a meteorite or gold bullion. You never do really new things but old things are rarely boring. I recommend this game for 8-12 years. Nintendogs Go!

Nintendogs Labrador Retriever & Friends Feature

  • More than 100 items like tennis balls, flying discs and even clothing accessories.
  • Choose from a wide range of pets - Labrador Retriever, Miniature Schnauzer, Toy Poodle, Pembroke Welsh corgi, Miniature Pinscher and Shiba Inu.
  • Socialize your pups by walking them around town, where they'll meet neighborhood dogs -- and maybe even find new toys.
  • Walk it, buy the right supplies and work with your puppy to increase its stamina.
  • As a puppy competes in obedience and agility trials where owners can win money to purchase other puppy breeds.

Nintendogs Labrador Retriever & Friends Overview

In Nintendogs 3: Labrador&Friends you'll get to train and care for a a puppy, without having to clean up all those soiled newspapers. As you teach your puppy to obey, it'll start competing in dog shows. See if your dog can earn money you can use to buy newbreeds!

Nintendogs Labrador Retriever & Friends Specifications

Nintendogs Lab & Friends is an animal simulation where you can raise one or more adorable puppies and play with them to your heart's content. Teach your pups new tricks. Just speak into the system's microphone and they'll respond to the voice commands you've taught them, then use the DS touch screen to play with your puppy. Breeds available in the game include Labrador retriever, miniature schnauzer, toy poodle, Pembroke Welsh corgi, miniature pinscher and shiba inu.

Your Lab puppy getting frisky in Nintendogs Lab & Friends
6 pups to love and care for.
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Nintendogs Lab & Friends game logo
In Nintendogs Lab & Friends owners purchase one of the six breeds available at the beginning of Nintendogs, then start spending time with their pups. They throw flying discs and balls to improve the pup’s agility, bathe it when it gets dirty and repeat voice commands to train the dog to do tricks. If owners train it well enough, they will excel in obedience and agility trials and disc competitions, which will earn money that they can use to buy other supplies and puppy breeds. When owners earn enough cash, they can buy even more puppies to live with their original pup.

Key Game Features

  • Visit the kennel and select a puppy from some of the most popular breeds, including Labs, Chihuahuas, dachshunds and more, then care for and train the puppy using the touch screen and microphone.
  • Pet the pup, acquire and play with more than 100 items like tennis balls, flying discs and even clothing accessories. Owners teach their dogs to do tricks by creating their own personalized voice commands.
  • Owners who train their pups well can compete in obedience and agility trials. They win these competitions to earn cash, which they can use to buy supplies and even more dogs to keep their first puppy company.
  • Owners can set the DS to Bark Mode, then take it with them as they head out into the real world. The DS will bark to let them know when another Nintendogs owner is in range and ready to meet.
Your lab sharing a meal with a friend in Nintendogs Lab & Friends
Feed your pup.
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Using the Ds stylus to give your Lab bath in Nintendogs Lab & Friends
bathe and care for him.
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Dog wearing a hat in Nintendogs Lab & Friends
Win cash for in-game gear.
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Puppy trying to give you a present in Nintendogs Lab & Friends
Make a connection.
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Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 19, 2010 05:00:29

