วันศุกร์ที่ 27 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Lovely Lisa

Lovely Lisa Review

I did not know this game for my daughter 3YR old if you would be able to play! It is by far his favorite DS game ever played! SHE takes longer than ANY game has ever had. I had to show them how to come to some parts of the game, They CAN NOT win because of the activities can not yet read. But still everything to play in any way even if you get no money for operations that can not win. He just really enjoyed particularly the section where you can dressLISA and buy new clothes. I hope that the games have a good future LISA!

Lovely Lisa Feature

  • Paint nails and add your own touch with sparkly accessories, apply make-up or even design your own patterns for clothes
  • Dance your socks off in the idol game or learn to play the piano on your Nintendo DS
  • Help mum with shopping and cooking or even help dad to put furniture together
  • A working girl needs all her skills, from babysitting and cake decorating to nursing or even practicing to be a flight attendant

Lovely Lisa Overview

Fashion is Fun with Lisa! Lovely Lisa helps younger girls learn the importance of having fun and working hard while earning your way to your own fashion style! Earn Lisa-points by perfecting your beauty skills and techniques, helping out around the house and even learning what it takes to become a successful working girl! Providing a well-rounded approach to beauty and fashion, Lovely Lisa rewards girls with gorgeous accessories, original clothes and fabulous hairstyles and make-up! Prove you’ve got what it takes in the Heart Hills pageant-with-a-difference! Only the girl with the best skills in all categories can win – because after all, beauty is only skin deep!

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 27, 2010 08:46:22

